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What will the weather be like during your stay?

Air temperatures range between 15°C and 30°C, and water temperatures between 18°C and 24°C. About 200 days out of 365 in a year are bright and sunny. The average temperature during the year is around 22.5°C. February is the hottest month with an average of 25.7°C and July is the coldest month on the island with an average temperature of 19.6°C. ° C.

The average annual precipitation is 2,242 millimeters. January has the most rain, with an average rainfall of 293 mm, while July is the driest month, with around 87 mm of precipitation. Since the island has a tropical climate, rains during the summer are   quite common. It usually rains in the afternoon or evening, with winds that go up to 10 knots. The average temperature during this season is somewhere between 28°C and 36°C. Days are bright and sunny during autumn, with winds constantly blowing from the south/southwest and southeast. The maximum temperature is 30 °C, while the minimum value is 20 °C. Winters are dry and cold, with temperatures ranging between 12 °C and 25 °C, and occasional strong winds that go up to 25/ 35 knots. Spring is warmer, with temperatures ranging up to 22°C - 30°C. Easterly winds blowing from the southwest and southeast across the island, decreasing in frequency as summer approaches.


The link below will show you the weather for the next 7 days.

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